A respected Káruk elder, Elizabeth was was born in a small Káruk village on the Salmon River in Northern California that, in 1875, became Somes Bar. She later moved to the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation where she was a major contributor in rejuvenating the Karuk language, culture and history. Throughout her life, Elizabeth was a teacher for young girls. It was very important to her that girls learn to respect themselves and others in the traditional ways. As they entered womanhood, she guided them through the Flower Dance coming-of-age ceremonies. During the early 1970s, Elizabeth worked alongside other elders to bring back one of the ancient ceremonial healing dances, the Brush Dance. She was considered to be a medicine woman from that point on and continued with her work until the early 1990s.
SARA NESSBITT BARNEY - a renowned basketmaker, Sara was also a collector of many Káruk baskets and ceremonial regalia. She took pride in her culture and enjoyed sharing stories about her childhood, which was spent on the KLAMATH RIVER. Her love for family was exhibited in the traditional patterns and designs that were woven into her baskets. A private and quiet woman, Sara’s personality shined when she shared her stories, baskets and other handiwork with the public.
THELMA THOM - a knowledgable Hupa elder, Thelma was respected by many as medicine woman - but she never wanted to be called that. Formerly married to Káruk medicine man Charlie "Red Hawk" Thom, she supported him for years in his cultural and spiritual endeavors. Devoted to the traditions and values of her Native culture, Thelma was as gentle a teacher as she was a powerful seer. She was revered and loved by many people.
LESTER ALFORD, Sr - one of Charlie Thom's older brothers, Lester was a respected elder of Karuk and Shasta heritages who was instrumental in forming the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation (which is flourishing today). Even though he was sent to Indian Boarding School, which prevented him from learning the Káruk language, he spent much of his adult life contributing his knowledge of the Karuk and SHASTA cultures for the people in his communities. A strict disciplinarian with a big heart, Lester influenced many younger people with his moral values, wisdom, encouragement and good will. His legacy continues through his children, who work in various departments with the Káruk Tribe and in other California Native communities.
LESTER ALFORD, Sr - one of Charlie Thom's older brothers, Lester was a respected elder of Karuk and Shasta heritages who was instrumental in forming the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation (which is flourishing today). Even though he was sent to Indian Boarding School, which prevented him from learning the Káruk language, he spent much of his adult life contributing his knowledge of the Karuk and SHASTA cultures for the people in his communities. A strict disciplinarian with a big heart, Lester influenced many younger people with his moral values, wisdom, encouragement and good will. His legacy continues through his children, who work in various departments with the Káruk Tribe and in other California Native communities.
LESTER ALFORD, Sr - one of Charlie Thom's older brothers, Lester was a respected elder of Karuk and Shasta heritages who was instrumental in forming the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation (which is flourishing today). Even though he was sent to Indian Boarding School, which prevented him from learning the Káruk language, he spent much of his adult life contributing his knowledge of the Karuk and SHASTA cultures for the people in his communities. A strict disciplinarian with a big heart, Lester influenced many younger people with his moral values, wisdom, encouragement and good will. His legacy continues through his children, who work in various departments with the Káruk Tribe and in other California Native communities.
FANNY FISHER - Káruk elder Fanny Fisher was raised on the Salmon River, in Scott Valley, California, at the foot of the Marble Mountain Wilderness. A quiet, knowledgable cultural practitioner, Fanny's greatest joy was talking with the people of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers, sharing stories about the old Káruk ways. A proficient basketweaver, she also enjoyed collecting acorns and pine nuts. Blessed with a smile that was “worth more than anything”, Fanny was loved by all who knew her. CLICK for FANNY FISHER VIDEO
FANNY FISHER - Káruk elder Fanny Fisher was raised on the Salmon River, in Scott Valley, California, at the foot of the Marble Mountain Wilderness. A quiet, knowledgable cultural practitioner, Fanny's greatest joy was talking with the people of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers, sharing stories about the old Káruk ways. A proficient basketweaver, she also enjoyed collecting acorns and pine nuts. Blessed with a smile that was “worth more than anything”, Fanny was loved by all who knew her. CLICK for FANNY FISHER VIDEO
FANNY FISHER - Káruk elder Fanny Fisher was raised on the Salmon River, in Scott Valley, California, at the foot of the Marble Mountain Wilderness. A quiet, knowledgable cultural practitioner, Fanny's greatest joy was talking with the people of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers, sharing stories about the old Káruk ways. A proficient basketweaver, she also enjoyed collecting acorns and pine nuts. Blessed with a smile that was “worth more than anything”, Fanny was loved by all who knew her. CLICK for FANNY FISHER VIDEO
FANNY FISHER - Káruk elder Fanny Fisher was raised on the Salmon River, in Scott Valley, California, at the foot of the Marble Mountain Wilderness. A quiet, knowledgable cultural practitioner, Fanny's greatest joy was talking with the people of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers, sharing stories about the old Káruk ways. A proficient basketweaver, she also enjoyed collecting acorns and pine nuts. Blessed with a smile that was “worth more than anything”, Fanny was loved by all who knew her. CLICK for FANNY FISHER VIDEO

Old growth forest near Orleans, California

Respecting nature, preserving and protecting the sacred sites, the plants, the animals and fish in their natural environments, keeping the waters and air clean, and "cleaning up our own back yards"
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Click for the different MEANINGS of the name Walking Backwards
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"Many years ago our people lived close to nature. Nature not only provided an adequate abundance of resources but it also brought the people something to do. Káruk men would get up early, jump in the river and start the day, whether it was the building of a sweat house, the making of arrows, the stretching of bows, fishing, hunting and trapping, dressing and smoking meat, mending, or preparing for ceremonies. They understood their family’s boundaries and would conduct most of their hunting, fishing, trapping, and the collecting of medicinal herbs and plants, within those areas.
"Women and children brought water up from the river and collected firewood. The women also cooked, took care of the children and the elders, picked herbs, berries, iris, hazel sticks, acorns, made clothing and ceremonial regalia, footwear and baskets. Baskets always needed mending.
"Today, the children have little knowledge about how their ancestors used the natural environment in their daily lives - without destroying it! That’s why it is so important that we teach them about their culture, about how our people lived in the 'old days'. We need to take the children out into the mountains, help them to learn about the plants and the animals, teach them their ancestral language, sacred songs and dances, and share the creation stories with them. We need to show them that it's possible to live in balance with the natural environment. Once they understand this, they'll bring this knowledge forward into the future, for their own children. They can be proud that this is their heritage."
- Frank Thom, Káruk Language Teacher

Sacramento River, California Photo © John Veltri
With easy access to an ample bounty of salmon, eel, wildlife, berries, nuts and medicinal plants from the bays, rivers, valleys, high deserts, wetlands and surrounding mountains, the indigenous peoples of what is now far Northern California and Southern Oregon were blessed with very simple, healthy, relatively peaceful lifestyles. Ancient Native forest management practices included the use of control fires to burn brush and promote the healthy regrowth of forests.
Traditional cedar plank house
Port Orford Cedar
Káruk families traditionally lived in plank houses that were made from Port Orford Cedar and dug into the ground. Known for its strength and resistance to disease and decay, Port Orford Cedar is found in Oregon
and throughout the valleys of California's Klamath Mountains. Houses of “planks” were (are) also made for ceremonies, such as in the construction a Káruk sweat house, or to be used during sickness or death. The tops of these houses are often removed during various healing rituals. - Frank Thom

Roots such as keesh-wuuf (above) were chewed, smoked, used in medicinal teas, in ceremony, and used for everyday smudging
Cedar takes away negativity as it burns, sage purifies and lifts the spirit, sweet grass helps people feel rooted, and the burning of kish-wuff, also called ich-nish [above], brings positivity and promotes balance.
- Ronald Griffman
(Káruk/Shasta/Yurok/Rogue River/Modoc/Pit River)
Listen to nature...
Talk to the water
Talk to the wind...
The water and the wind
are listening.
Sing them your song!
They can hear you!
Listen to what they say.
- Káruk medicine man
Charlie "Red Hawk" Thom

South Fork of the Sacramento River (above) looking east to Mount Shasta, California,
Charlie Thom's legendary purification sweat lodge ceremonial site Photo © John Veltri

Dip net fishing on the Klamath River at Ishi Pishi Falls with Káruk brothers Jerry & Ken Brink Photo by Terray Sylvester
• The Káruk once fished for salmon and other fish at over 120 village sites along the Klamath and Salmon Rivers. Today, Káruk dip net salmon fishing is limited to a single site, Ishi Pishi Falls, near present day Somes Bar, California.
• Dip net fishermen use 12 foot long poles with a net attached to scoop fish out of the water. It is dangerous, difficult work!
• Historically, twine dip fishing nets were made from vines and iris stems. After
twisting and curing, the twine becomes strong enough to hold large, heavy fish.
• Chinook or King Salmon is the largest species of salmon in the Pacific. Adult fish range in size from 24 to 58 inches, averaging 10 to 50 pounds.

Sandy Bar Bob with his net (Káruk),1913 Photo: Grace Nicholson Collection

Klamath River wilderness, home to the "káruk áraar", the Káruk UpRiver People Photo © Marguerite Lorimer
Songs from the rivers flow within my heart. My ancestors sang like that, when it was their time. They taught me to sing and dance for all the world, to keep the old ways of living alive.
Sitting quietly, ever listening, the winds bring melody to help my present days flow. I hear a riffle that makes a beat. Then comes an eagle, hawk, or blue jay, birds that balance the orchestra with their song. The four-legged, brushing by in a nearby tree, hears my song from long ago.
I sing to bring forth our beautiful káruk language, I sing songs of prayer for today’s people of the rivers called Home. Our songs will never die!
Oh, Great Spirit, guide me, as you guide the river wild. Yôotva, yôotva, yôotva...
- Franklin R Thom, Káruk language teacher
The following WATER MEDITATION VIDEOS were created to exemplify the precious, life-giving beauty of water in Mount Shasta's incredibly rich - and constantly threatened - bioregion.
Káruk medicine man Charlie "Red Hawk" Thom (1928-2013) shares his prayer for the Whole World